- 4 in stock
5ft extension for your rock lights, this extension can be used to extend a single rock light or whip from the splitter outwards or a single extension can be used in front of a splitter extending all the lights that plug into that splitter.
2 pin Snap Style - Single Color Rock Lights (8w) & Strips
2 pin Screw Style - Single Color Rock Lights 12w White & UV
3 pin - Double Helix Whips
4 pin - RGB Older Style Rock Lights & Whips
5 pin - RGB+W Rock Lights & Whips
5 pin - RGB+W With Built In On/Off Switch To Turn Off A Light or Section
**Our standard kits come with 2 or 3 extensions. These are normally only needed for very large vehicles (4 door fulll size vehicles, or when wiring may be ran for longer runs to hide wiring). It is not normally required to buy extra extensions for SXS's or 2 door Jeeps/Trucks**